Bosque County Hospital District (BCHD)


In 2018, Bosque County voters approved the creation of the Bosque County Hospital District. The creation of the hospital district allows for property taxes to be assessed on local property owners to help fund hospital services. BCHD is governed by an elected board of directors.

Click here to view the independent auditor's report and financial statements.

Arlene Swiney
The Tax Assessor/Collector
of Bosque County

Phone (254) 435-2301

Bosque County Tax Office
102 W. Morgan
P.O. Box 346
Meridian, TX 76665-0346

Public Information Act

Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code gives members of the public the right to access government records. More information is available here:

Public Information Act (English)Public Information Act (Spanish)

Board of Directors

John Erickson
Board Chair
At-large position effective May 1, 2023. Term ends 2025.

Thomas A. Blossom
Vice Chair
Represents At-Large effective May 4,2024. Terms ends 2026.

Virginia "Viki" Villarreal
Board Secretary
Represents Precinct 4 effective May 4,2024. Terms ends 2026.

Roger Parks
Board Member
At-large position effective May 1, 2023. Term ends 2025.

Charles Hopkins
Board Member
Represents Precinct 3 effective May 1, 2023. Term ends 2025.

Robert Phillips
Board Member
Represents Precinct 1 effective May 1, 2023. Term ends 2025.

George S. Clifton
Board Member
Represents Precinct 2 effective May 4,2024. Terms ends 2026.

To contact the Bosque County Hospital District Board of Directors, please write to:

Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes

Order of Cancellation

BCHD Election Information

The Bosque County Hospital District is governed by an elected board of directors. Interested and eligible residents of Bosque County may run for a seat on the BCHD.

Hospital District elections are conducted in May of each yearin accordance with the Texas Secretary of State Uniform General Election Date. The next election is May 3, 2025. The filing dates for May 3, 2025, election is Wednesday, January 15, 2025, through Friday, February 14, 2025. The filing date for the declaration of write-in candidacy is Tuesday, February 18, 2025.

Interested candidates should review all of the information below. Questions about application filing may be directed to Jackie James at 254-675-8322.

According to state law (Sec. 286.045 of the Health and Safety Code):

(a) To be eligible to be a candidate for or to serve as a director, a person must be: A resident of the district and a qualified voter.
(b) In addition to the qualifications required by Subsection (a), if directors are elected from commissioners precincts, a person who is elected from a commissioner precinct or who is appointed to fill a vacancy for a commissioner precinct must be a resident of that commissioner precinct.
(c) An employee of the district may not serve as a director.

*Added by Acts 1991, 72nd Leg., ch. 14, Sec. 121, eff. Sept. 1, 1991.

General requirements for candidacy for hospital district boards (Texas Secretary of State)

Notice of deadline to file an application for place on the ballot (Texas Secretary of State)

Application for a place on the general election ballot for the BCHD (Texas Secretary of State)

Completed applications may be filed in person or by mail with Jackie James, Administration, Goodall-Witcher Healthcare, 101 Posey Avenue, Clifton, TX 76634; or via fax (254) 675-2246; or by email:
Candidates interested in filing an application for a place on the ballot can file their application the 30th day before the filing deadline. The filing deadline for a general election is 5 p.m. on the 78th day before the election day.

Call Jackie James with questions
254-675-8322ext. 7992.